Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 6: Scrapbook page

Here's my layout for today, and I'm mighty proud of it. I've slaved over it for hours, mostly because I couldn't find any sketch with two full-sized vertical pictures and one full-sized horizontal picture. It's not that I'm that reliant on sketches. It's more that I was trying to find a pleasing arrangement for these particular pictures that would be interesting at the same time. You know, more than the "line them up like the sticky-back albums" page.

Just in case you can't tell, the patterned paper at the top is sheet music (but archival safe). I figured it was doubly appropriate considering this was a musical-themed birthday, as well as the fact that you always sing at a birthday party.

Did you notice how I tried to mimic the fingerboard and frets of the guitar to the left? (Hint: I drew it on the brown cardstock with my white gel pen.) I was pretty pleased with myself for thinking of that, since I always struggle with interesting, yet archival, embellishments for my pages.

Do you like the cake? Believe it or not, it was pretty easy. If you can make stars and straight lines with decorator tips, you can make this cake reasonably well. It's a Wilton shaped pan, which takes a lot of the work out of it. My son loved it!

Supplies: cardstock (The Paper Company, Making Memories); patterned paper (Creative Imaginations?); sticker letters (Creative Memories).

