Tuesday, February 2, 2010

More Rag Rugs

I am famous for getting knee-deep in a project and then losing steam, so I've been crocheting rag rugs before I lose that steam! :) I got through almost all of my colored "yarn", so I'm pretty pleased with myself.

This first one I made for my niece whose room is lime green, aqua and chocolate brown.

After I finished it, I didn't like it at all. The edging was all wrong. So I ripped it out to the chocolate brown and added a white border instead:

I like it much better this way! :) I hope my niece likes it, too.

I had quite a bit of blue, so I went ahead and made another blue rug. It isn't quite as even on the color changes, but it's still all blue and coordinating, and I like it.

Then I had some red. But I didn't have several shades, and I certainly didn't have enough to make a whole rug with. So I paired it with grey and black, and I really like it!

And lastly, here is a black and white rug that I made, since I have quite a bit of black and white "yarn" leftover.

You'll be seeing more of these rugs since my kids have requested some for their rooms!


Esther Asbury said...

Wow! You've got enough to start a store now! (smile) They must be fun and quick to turn that many out so quickly! Certainly understand the getting it done while you in the mood thing --- I'm the same way!
