Friday, January 23, 2009

John Deere: Decorating with a calendar

I'll take a few posts' break from my cards and Cuttlebug and show you something we just did in my son's room ...

If you remember, we decorated it in John Deere since my son loves John Deere tractors. If you've ever noticed, anything with the John Deere name on it tends to be pricey, so we're always looking for ways to spice things up while being frugal.

We just completed a year, and that means there's last year's calendar to dispose of. BUT we paid good money (albeit a great price) for that John Deere calendar that hung in my son's room, and I couldn't bear to throw it away. I also had a mini calendar with the same images that I had picked up when they were on clearance last year.

So here's what we did with them:

I got the frame, complete with the mat, at the Salvation Army for $2 sometime last year. I set it aside, thinking I'd use it for another project. But those small calendar pages fit perfectly inside the matting and the frame matched the other frames that were already in his room, so I decided it was meant to be.

Here's the wall arrangement we came up with. My eye tells me it still needs something in those empty spaces, but my husband and I disagree on how "froofy" arrangements have to be. He liked it, so that's how it stayed. :) Here's a peek at those larger pictures:

The frames both measure 11x14" and are matted to 8x10", which is a perfect fit for most of the premium calendars that have been made from prints.

As I mentioned, these frames were already in my son's room with different pictures inside. I just replaced the old pictures and they were good to go.

Everything I used was something we already had on hand, so we paid nothing for this great John Deere wall arrangement. We figured it would cost at least $50 to buy equivalent pictures from the store. That's a bargain!


Susan said...

Very nice! It does look nice the way it is, but I'm like you in thinking it needs more! ;) But I'd go with my husband's opinion too.
