Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Any more input on the quilt vs matching outfits?

I just learned how to do a quilt mock-up on the computer, and I thought I'd try this one just to see what it would look like. Well, now I'm mighty tempted to make this! See, I told you it was a simple design that I had in mind! (If you're not sure what I'm referring to, check out yesterday's post.)

Each block would be 12" (11-1/2" after sewing together), and the border would be 4-1/2" (4" after sewing together). I would most love to do free-motion meander quilting on this one, block by block, since I want to learn that technique next. Then I would use the "quilt as you go" method to join the blocks. This would produce a twin-size bed quilt.

Do you have any more thoughts on whether I should save that polka-dot for matching dresses or for making this quilt? (I'd have roughly 1 yard of fabric leftover after making this, and I'd have the whole XL Twin flat sheet yet for dresses.)

Thanks in advance for your comments!

ETA: Here's the link to the tutorial I used for the digital quilt mock-up. I used Paint Shop Pro, but she uses Paint (the free one on Windows-based computers) in the tutorial. Since I'm using sheets, I couldn't search for a fabric sample online. I just took a closeup digital picture of each fabric and used that.


Esther Asbury said...

Looks like you could have the best of both worlds - a quilt and matching dresses out of the leftover XL sheet! That striped piece is my favorite of all you have -- looks really nice paired with the others in your quilt mock up.

Julia said...

I really like the combination of fabrics for the quilt! How do you do the mock quilt on the computer? I need to learn how to do that. Is it a special program?

Christa said...

I used Corel Paint Shop Pro, but you can do the same thing with Paint. I followed this tutorial, and it worked wonderfully:

I'll add this information in the original post, too!

Madeline said...

I would make the quilt!

Carrie @ Dittle Dattle said...

I love this idea of predesigning the quilt on the computer!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment

jemilyea said...

I will have to try the quilt mock-up! I think the quilt idea looks good. Did you also try seeing what it looked like with the striped blocks alternating between vertical and horizontal placement? Maybe it would be too dizzy-looking.

I like the idea of polka-dotted dresses with '50s style full skirts. I don't know what the sheet feels like. From the picture it looks a little thin, so I'm picturing a solid-underlayer on the skirt, maybe peeking out a little.

If you have enough fabric, make both dresses and quilt. Or redo your quilt to be lap-sized instead of twin-sized.

Christa said...

Hmmm ... I'll have to try switching those blocks around, just to see what it looks like.

I was thinking of something along the lines of a petticoat underskirt for the dresses (maybe in combination with some tulle, maybe not), but I'm not sure. I have this picture in my head, and I'm trying to get it on paper at the moment. :)
