Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas Gifts Preview: Day Nine

I had to wait to share this one because we exchanged gifts with my friend later than the rest, since we both had family gatherings to attend.

Since my friend is a fellow crafter, I gifted her the last of my undecorated round boxes. (It looks like it has a water or oil stain in the picture, but that's just the effect of the flash.) I just know she's going to do something fabulous with it, and it was the perfect way to corral the rest of her gift.

She decorates in the primitive style, and I was thrilled to find several wooden tags and signs that should match her decor perfectly. Also included: a box of decorative envelopes (she does a lot of cardmaking), heart-shaped measuring spoons, a Mary Engelbreit Christmas ornament (she loves M.E.), a homemade linen kitchen scrubbie, and a rooster towel to line it all (her kitchen is decorated in roosters).

Here's a picture of it head-on, but it's a lot harder to see everything:

I used shrink wrap on this gift, too, to help keep everything together. I really like the effect, although it didn't shrink as well this time as it has in the past.


Esther Asbury said...

Simply beautiful gift --- I love all the fun stuff you included!!
