Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Round Dishcloth

I enjoy knitting round things, so I decided to try out a round dishcloth. After I made it and used it, I'm pretty sure that round dishcloths are my new favorite. They just seem to fit my hand better.

This dishcloth uses short rows, which is always good to practice. This first picture is of the back, which is what both sides would look like (minus the curling) if you followed the pattern exactly. However, I changed it a bit to make it stockinette on one side, simply because I prefer the look of stockinette (knit one row, purl the next, etc.).

This is what the front looks like since I changed the pattern to work it in stockinette:

This is a fantastic pattern that I would highly recommend! His instructions for kitchener stitch with garter stitch are absolutely fantastic. Check it out for yourself (for free) on Ravelry: Seamless Circular Cloth by Robert Jenkins.


Esther Asbury said...

Love that pretty yellow yarn -- that's what I did my first knit dish cloth out of! (Double love it if it's that soft Hobby Lobby yarn!)

angie said...

I admired your knitted cowl in a previous post. have you made any to put in your etsy shop?

Christa said...

Shoregirl - no, it's just Sugar 'n Cream yarn, but I do like it.

Angie - drop me an e-mail if you're interested in a custom order. :)
