Monday, May 2, 2011

Homemade Gift: A Quilt for My Beautiful Daughter

Remember the quilt I was working on before my last "quilt with me" project? Well, I finished it. I love it as much as I had hoped I would! In fact, I love it so much that it's going on my daughter's bed. A beautiful little girl like her deserves my favorite girly quilt so far.

Here's a closer look at the border and the red gingham that I used for the binding.

I spread it out on our loveseat to get a picture of it as a whole, but you can see someone got to it first - my son and his cars! (Or was it my daughter? Who knows. They were playing so well together that I didn't ask.)

Here it is on her bed. Since her bed is pushed up against the wall, it's hard to get a picture of it on the bed.

And here it is from the side. I had to rotate my picture a little so I wouldn't give anyone vertigo, so that's why there's some odd white space in the photo.

I have enough squares and sashing leftover to make a baby quilt or throw, but I'm wondering if someone would like a baby quilt kit in my Etsy shop. I'll think on that one. (Feel free to let me know if you're interested.)

I'm linking to Fiber Arts Monday, Whatever Goes Wednesday , Upcycled Awesome and


Esther Asbury said...

How very pretty! You do such a great job on your quilts - AND I STILL can't figure out how you turn them out so quickly!

the gathering girls said...

It's a wonderful the all the pink!!

Unknown said...

Just beautiful...I am still unclear on the "quilt as you go" method, but you seem to do it beautifully. Thanks for sharing.

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

It is really pretty! I'd love to be able to make quilts for my kiddos. I have made ONE, and it's SO far from perfect! It was actually from vintage sheets.

Visiting from Someday Crafts!

Brian + Cheryl B. said...

Hi Sophia :-)
I spotted your quilt and followed your link over from Michelles's Someday Crafts - Whatever goes Wednesday's.
To me, quilts are absolutely wonderful works of both art and love!
I am currently trying to decide which of my picked out patterns I am going to make for our soon to be born grand son. Here is the link to the one I made for our grand daughter.

I got a great chuckle out of the comment you made referring to vertigo. I have vertigo. And have had since Jan 12th 2010. turns out there are three types of vertigo, and I had/have all three. 8-/

I really like your quilt! Good job on it!

Lyssa Beth said...

What a beautiful quilt! I love the colors you picked!! What a lucky girl!
Thanks for linking up to thrifty thursdays!

Kathy, Jeff's Wife said...

Love it!
