Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Quilt with Me: Day Seven

I'm done!! All I had to do was the binding today, and it went pretty fast. I really, really like it. I almost wish I was keeping it, but I really don't have room to keep every quilt I make, so it's off to the lady that ordered it.

I just love working with vintage linens. You instantly get that antique look, even though you just finished it. I especially love how well these colors and patterns work together.

I opted for simple quilting patterns on this one, since the linens are vintage and in muted colors. I thought it helped with the simple look of the quilt. I like to look at the fabric's patterns for inspiration in how to quilt blocks, but I didn't want to overwhelm these prints or hide them with too much stitchwork. So, in the end, I opted for x's on the florals and following the stripes on the stripes.

I used a white vintage sheet for the backing, and I wish I could find one of these for every vintage quilt I make. It's so soft! Unfortunately, most of the vintage white sheets I find are hopelessly stained. This one was in perfect condition, though, so I was happy to use it.

So there you have it ... a finished quilt (50x60") in seven days. Are you up for a challenge? Give it a try and see how you do! :) (If you do, I'd love to hear about your progress.)

I'm linking to ... Whatever Goes Wednesday and


Lisa said...

This is gorgeous! The vintage fabrics look great. Love it!

Esther Asbury said...

How very, very pretty!! I think it's my favorite so far ---- love blue stuff!
