I've discovered that the kids pretty much entertain themselves the first day, since they're catching up on their "long lost" cousins (i.e. my kids) and all of their toys, not to mention the cool things in our yard and house.
The one thing I did hand out were water guns, and they had a blast with them! At first, they were all shooting blindly since they didn't want to get water in their faces, but soon they were looking right at each other to make sure they got the other person wet. :)
The swingset was another favorite, especially since there are three seats, so there isn't so much waiting for your turn.
Then they explored the pond, finding things I had never seen before - like this snail.
And then they found a big bullfrog ...
... that I'm sure we'll never see again since he was so traumatized to be part of a "catch and release" party. :)
They enjoyed the foosball table, which was no surprise to any of us. I was a little surprised at how good they were at it, though.
Then, at the end of the day, we iced a slice of cake to acknowledge one cousin's birthday that day. (A bigger cake and party would come the next day, but a girl only turns nine once!)
And finally, it was lights out. We didn't set any particular time, although we did try to have everyone asleep by midnight. Some of that took care of itself, since this particular cousin fell asleep first, although his mother claims he is never the first one to sleep at home. I guess all that running around did him some good!
And then I just had to share with you what I saw when I climbed the stairs to go to my own bed, in our guest room upstairs:
She had been waiting on me, and I took a little longer than I had anticipated. She's a persistent little girl (who reminds my family of me as a child), and she laid down right at the top of the steps and fell asleep in five minutes ... another first for a child who takes about a half hour to go to sleep on a normal night!
So there you have Day One of Cousin Camp 2010. Tomorrow I'll share our Tuesday activities. (They were loads of fun!)
This is remarkable! I was just trying to figure out what I was going to do for our Cousin Camp this year and found your blog. Thank you so much for the wonderful ideas! You are so gifted at making life special! Wish we were one of the "cousins:)."
I'm glad to hear someone else is doing a Cousin Camp! Our family enjoys it so much that it's the highlight of the year for many of them. I may post some preliminary ideas for this year in the coming months, if that helps you at all, too.
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