Monday, November 16, 2009

Some "new" skirts for my little girl

We were recently given six HUGE garbage bags full of clothing. A lot of it was women's shorts and pants, which we don't wear. I was going to donate them to a local thrift shop, but my husband suggested trying to make something we could wear out of them. And since my little girl is growing taller (but not wider, it seems) every day, I need some denim skirts for her. So here's what I made out of two pant legs:

(She's wearing it a little funny. It really is sewn straight!) And here's the second one:

They turned out very well, and my daughter is thrilled to pieces with them! They were really easy, too! The hardest part was threading the elastic through the waistband, since it kept slipping off my bodkin. I made them nice and long so they'd last for awhile. If she keeps up this "tall and thin" build, I'll be able to use them for quite awhile! :)

I'll be sharing more projects from those pants in the days to come, since I have several projects going that involve them.

This is the kind of recycling that I enjoy! :)

