Friday, March 18, 2011

Homemade Gift: Car Rolls

This is one of those ingenius ideas I've run across, thanks to some link parties. There are all kinds of tutorials out there for these car rolls, but I originally found this idea at Sewing and Growing. She has several other links at her post, so you can check them out for variations on this idea.

I looked at all of the ideas and then came up with my own, based on what was easiest for me. It's basically a rectangle, with the bottom sewn up to create the pockets. I added fleece (you could also use batting) to make mine a little more sturdy.

I was able to get seven of them out of the vehicle sheet I picked up at my favorite thrift store a few weeks ago. See? I do actually use those sheets! :)

I gave one to my son, and I'm saving the rest for birthday gifts and "just because" gifts for visiting missionaries' kids. I figure this would be an excellent gift to keep little boys busy on a long deputational tour.

Linking to Check This Out!


Susan J Barker said...

thanks for coming by! It is amazing how you can specialize these roll up organizers...

Anne Maskell said...

These little rolls are so cute! They would be perfect for so many things.Thank you foryour lovely comments about my dresses!
