Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Link Roundup: What I discovered online last week!

My friend hinted that she missed my link roundups, so I thought I might revive those now and then. Instead of posting the roundups to my blog, I've been saving them in appropriate idea files on my computer. But if it interests anyone else, I can certainly post them here, too! :)

Without further ado, here are some cute projects I've bookmarked to try this past week ...

Here's a simple, easy tutorial from Chez Larsson for a sewing machine cover. Neither of my sewing machines have a cover, and I recently aquired another one that doesn't, either. (The new aquisitions are for teaching my Sunday school young ladies; that's another post coming up.) In the interest of protecting my investments, I've decided to sew a few of these sometime soon.

I also discovered some adorable felt foods that I might sew up for my niece, or daughter, or the million and one other little girls I know that would love some of these:

Obviously, some of these are rather involved. But most of them are very do-able, even if you've never worked with felt before. Felt is such a forgiving fabric, and I love that that edges don't ravel. I'll let you know when I give them a try!

I hope you've enjoyed the little link roundup! I may do it on a more regular basis ... providing I have interesting links to share.


Esther Asbury said...

I've seen quite a few felt foods on the link parties of late. I think they are so cute - looks like you have a pretty good list of them going - I'll have to check them out when I get some extra time.

Christa said...

Feel free to pass along any new links! I'm almost finished with the sack lunch set for my niece, and it's loads of fun. :) (I'll post pictures once it's done.)
