Monday, February 7, 2011

Homemade Gift: Tied Fleece Blanket

Last Thursday was my husband's 38th birthday. He collects eagles, so I'm always on the lookout for eagle items for him. Unfortunately, he has nearly everything eagle known to mankind, so it's getting harder and harder to shop for him. :)

I did manage to find this eagle-print fleece at a Wal-Mart that still has a fabric section (near my parents' house), so I made him a two-sided tied fleece eagle blanket. I backed it with a less-expensive solid fleece.

Let me tell you, this is as easy as it gets! I used my spring-loaded scissors to cut the fringe. From start to finish, I think I had it done in an hour, maybe less. Not bad for a two-yard blanket!

These are the best tips I've read for these blankets:

  • For the corners, cut out a 4" square. It makes a nice, neat corner.

  • Tie every other knot with one side facing up. Then turn over the blanket and tie the rest of the knots. It helps to keep it looking even.

Really, that's about it. It's as easy as pie! (Well, considering how hard it was to learn to make a good pie crust, it's a lot easier than pie!) :)


Esther Asbury said...

What a nice (quick and easy) gift -- now you'll have to make him some pillows to go along with it!
