Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Box of Books Stationery Set

I hope I've given this project enough time to reach its destination! My good friend had a birthday on Saturday, and I've been sitting on this project for a month until I could get it mailed out to her.

So here it is, and I hope I haven't spoiled a surprise ...

This is called Box of Books Stationery Set. It's not original with me. I saw it on Brandie's blog a few months ago. She was going to post a tutorial, but her pregnancy has kept her pretty busy, so she said it was okay if I posted this project and offered my own instructions on my blog. (Thanks!!) I'm sure it's a little bit different than hers, since I could only fit three "books" into my box, but it's very close.

It consists of a holder (like those book sets that come in a decorative cardboard "sleeve"), three folders (to look like books), and stationery. Let's take a peek inside one of the folders:

I went a little crazy with my new MS lace punch on this project. Can you tell? I was able to fit four one-panel cards, four envelopes, and eight pieces of coordinating notepaper in each folder.

The coordinating notepaper was my "aha!" moment for this project. My friend loves to write, and I love to get her long letters. When I sent her a previous installment of stationery, she commented that she had found the perfect matching notepaper to go with it. Well, now she doesn't have to search - it's right here, with two extra writing sheets per notecard. All I did was use my lace punch on white writing paper. It's very pretty and delicate!

Now here's a closeup of the other two one-panel card designs I used in the other folders:

I wanted to keep it simple with a monogram.

As soon as I saw this project, I thought of my friend since she also loves to read. I hope she enjoys this as much as I enjoyed making it!

If you would like the instructions for assembling the box and folders, I have it as a Word document. I tried to convert it to a PDF, but it messed up the formatting of my diagrams, so I couldn't do that. I also have no idea how to link a document like that directly to my blog, so drop me an e-mail if you want it (sophia_regina77 at yahoo dot com). All I ask is that you don't sell the instructions or claim them as your own.



Esther Asbury said...

So very pretty!! You did a very nice job on that set.....love the lacy effect - so feminine!
(And yes, I'd like the instructions, but it can wait -- won't have time to do anything like this for a little while!)

Traci said...

Sophia...thank you so much for sharing this with us! I got your email and am in the process of making these for my BFF as well as my sister. What a lifesaver you are! I just didn't have an idea in the world till this came along. Perfection! Christmas Blessings.

Christa said...


You're more than welcome! I always enjoy it when someone has worked out all the details for me, so I thought I'd return the favor. :)
