Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Some scrapbook pages to share

I've shared these pages online before, but I ran across them again as I was going through my Epson account deciding what to save. I thought I'd post this as an example of ways to adapt the same exact pictures to two different albums.

First is my son's page. I didn't want it too girly, so I capitalized on the bright colors he was wearing. The fun polka-dot background paper was perfect for this!
And here is my daughter's page. I went with the feminine look for this page, emphasizing the word "adore" in the background paper since I wanted to convey how much she adores her brother.

If I can find the enlarged image on CD, I'll have to post it sometime. I didn't stage this one. They were just standing on chairs looking out the back door to watch turkey buzzards when suddenly my daughter put her arm around my son - and left it there. I was fortunate enough to grab the camera while the moment lasted!

