Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Customized Homeschool Plan Book

I started our homeschool year fulling intending to use a plan book I had picked up at a thrift store. However, after one week using My Father's World curriculum, I realized that plan book just wasn't going to work. It didn't have enough spaces, and it wasn't set up in a logical order (for me).

So I decided to create a customized plan book ... again. I did it when my son was in kindergarten, too, but I had to add more details to this one since I now have my daughter added to the mix. My inspiration came from a teacher in a regular school who made her own customized planner.

I took her cue and added in all the details I usually have to write in day after day. I thought I'd share it with you today.

I made the cover from an old calendar image. The paper was flimsy, so I mounted it onto one-half of a file folder. To keep it looking and wearing nice all year, I added a transparency to the front of it for protection. Since my transparency was printable in my inkjet printer, I also added the year to the transparency.

Here's the main body of the plan book, showing one week at a glance. We school from Tuesday through Saturday, so I was finally able to change it and avoid the confusion of having to look at "Monday - Friday" and trying to remember where we were.

I've simply deleted my kids' names for privacy, but those black boxes do contain each child's name. I laid it out in the exact order that we do things each day. While I'm working with my daughter, my son does seatwork. While I'm working with my son, my daughter does her seatwork.

You may also notice that I've already typed in things like "Lang", "LS" and "Spelling" under these headings. It saves me a lot of writing, and those are the main subjects that we have seatwork in each day. I've never thought of doing this before, but now I love it!

I included my grade book at the back, and I used another one-half of a file folder for the divider page. I decorated the edge with what was leftover from the cover image.

Here is the actual grade book. It makes so much more sense (at least to me) to do it this way when you have only one child in each grade.

I have grade book pages for each of my kids.

I reused heavy cardboard (non-corrugated) for the back cover and then bound it with my Bind It All.

I love it!


Esther Asbury said...

Great idea Christa. As you know I made my own this year as well --- saved me $10 - $15 and it works out great.

Nicole said...

Very nice planner:) May I ask what year of MFW you are using?

Christa said...

We're doing Exploring Countries & Cultures. My 1st-grade daughter is mostly "along for the ride", but this is a thousand times more interesting than Abeka's 1st grade offerings, and she's picking up a surprising amount of knowledge!

Pamela said...

Awesome book. My daughter bought one for college and color coordinated her classes with a 4 color pen. It's easy to see at a glance which classes she has each day, etc. I love organizational tools. :-)

jemilyea said...

Nice cover! The 1/2 and 3/4 teachers at my school have started making their own books. Thanks for the link to the site with the classroom tips.

Nicole said...

Thanks for responding:) We are doing MFW 1st this year with our K and 1st graders. I agree, MFW is very interesting compared to other programs! Did you use Adventures? We are looking forward to that for next year.

Christa said...

No, Nicole, we didn't use Adventures. That was a little goof on my part, but we'll get it again in the cycle before we're done, so we should be okay.
