Monday, July 18, 2011

Homemade Gift: Passage to India 15" Tote

Don't forget to enter my fat quarter giveaway!

Today I'm going to give you a sneak peek of a gift I made for our Conference President's wife.

We have our annual conference and camp meeting coming up in the next few weeks, and it's always a busy time for her. I know she does a lot behind the scenes (and makes sure it stays behind the scenes), so I wanted to make something for her in appreciation - and to help brighten a few stressful weeks. It's something I've thought of for a few years, but I usually think of it during camp meeting when I can't do anything about it.

So I made her this 15" Passage to India tote from some of the Paul Kaufmann decorator fabric my husband found on a thrifting excursion. Although I forgot to take pictures of the inside, I designed it like the rest of my totes - with pockets that match the outside.

It's lined with the lovely dark brown vintage sheet gingham that you can get a peek at if you look at the top of the tote. I added a zipper to make it more secure to carry things in, and I really, really love this tote.

Here you can see about how big it would be to carry. It's about the perfect size for someone my build who just can't get by with a huge bag, but really needs to carry more than you can fit in a purse that usually "fits" my frame. :)

And here you can see it in relation to the other totes I've made in the last little bit. It's an in-between size.

Although I'm saving this one for my Conference President's wife, I think I may just make one up for the shop at some point. I have lots of the fabric, and I personally love this tote.

I'm linking to ... Upcycled Awesome,

A Marvelous Mess



Esther Asbury said...

I'm still amazed at your stash of gifts -- I wish I were able to accomplish as much as you do in a weeks time. I'm usually a few weeks behind schedule in gift giving, but there are just so many "other" things in life that are higher on the priority list. Maybe someday I'll catch up!

Kathy, Jeff's Wife said...

That is really, really classy!

Christa said...

Thank you, Kathy! Our Conference President's wife is a classy lady (but very friendly and approachable), so I'm glad to hear that was your impression of the bag. :)

SJ @ Homemaker On A Dime said...

I'm so grateful that you linked up in this week's Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop :) This awesome post totally rocked the party!
