Thursday, June 30, 2011

Calendar Challenge: May and June 2012

I'm late! I'm late! But I have a very good reason ... My laptop fooled me into thinking it was in the throes of death for several hours through the night and this morning.

Unfortunately, my entire brain and memory is on my laptop, and of course I hadn't backed up my files in a long time. (Maybe because my memory is on the laptop, so I can never remember to do it??) I looked up the problem on my husband's computer and tried everything everyone suggested, to no avail.

Thank the Lord, the last thing I tried worked. I've only had this laptop for a little over a year (since April), and I was not a happy camper at the prospect of a fried laptop. But now I'm back up and running, after backing up every file on my laptop that is remotely important to me. I'm just thankful I had the opportunity to do it!

Anyway, it's time for our monthly calendar challenge between my friend and I. Both of us forgot about it last month, and it was a terribly hectic time for both of us anyway. We agreed to post for both months in June to catch up.

Supplies: paper (The Paper Company); stickers (Creative Memories).

I've recently reorganized my craft room, and I came to the realization that I have more stickers than I could possibly use in a lifetime. So when I thought about what to do for the calendars, I immediately thought of the cute Creative Memories stickers I've been hoarding for years. I decided to use them.

Supplies: paper (The Paper Company); stickers (Creative Memories).

You might wonder what these hedge-trimming stickers have to do with the verse from Romans that I've printed on the calendar. Good question! I was trying to think of something manly to put on it (because of June and Father's Day), and this is what I came up with. Again, I'm using Creative Memories stickers that I've had for over ten years. It feels good to actually use them, and I still think they're cute.

Now you'll want to go see what my friend made for her calendars this month. Enjoy!


Esther Asbury said...

What a great use for your stickers. I too use them rarely - and in fact I almost never buy them anymore because I'd rather buy tools that can be used over and over again. The hedge trimmers are perfect!

Merry said...

This is such a wonderful idea. Love your calendar pages.
