Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sickness - Yuck!

What is it about visiting relatives that always brings on sickness? I was awakened at 6:30 this morning by a visibly sick little girl (I'll spare you the details). After a change of bedding, clothing and a quick bath, we went back to sleep. I had a hard time getting back to sleep, so I spent most of the time awake. She finally agreed to get out of bed at 10:30.

My brother and sister and both of their families were supposed to come today for a birthday party (my brother, Dad and brother-in-law have birthdays within two days of each other). After a quick call to my sister, I discovered that her two youngest children had the same sickness, only worse. But misery loves company and we had all been exposed to it anyway, so they came for a visit.

My brother wasn't able to make it for various reasons, so it was just my sister's family and us. My brother-in-law is not the type to sit around for any length of time, so he brought his tools and chainsaw along. He took out the last of two large bushes at the top of the driveway, pulled out two smaller bushes that were dead in the front of the house, and then replaced their bathroom faucet that had been broken for somewhere around a year.

So it has been an eventful yet profitable day here. I didn't get any work done, other than three loads of laundry, four pizzas, one cake, and keeping on top of the dishwashing. I don't think I sat down much at all today, but it was a good visit!

