Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cute male gift packaging: tool belt box

Check out what I made yesterday from Mel's free tool belt box template:
Isn't it just the cutest? The pockets on the front are functional, as well as the side loops (provided I don't use something really heavy). I'm going to give this to my brother-in-law for his birthday, probably filled with candy.

My son loved it, too, so I might end up making another one and filling it with goodies for him at some point.


UnfinishedMom said...

Is it really pink? or is that just poor lighting?

What a cool idea, though.

Christa said...

I didn't realize how pink it looked until you commented. :) Nope, it's brown in real life. We're having a low-light day here, so my flash is making my pictures turn out a little funny.
