Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Baby Shadow Box

I'm going to share my latest creative project with you. I love to create, but I don't always get (or take) the time to do it, so if I try to post something creative once a week, I should get at least 52 projects done this year.

Today I want to share a shadow box I made with my daughter's hospital bracelet and hat.

I've had this shadow box for close to a year now. I got it at Dollar Tree ($1). The inside measures 5.25 x 6", so there wasn't a lot of space to work with. But as soon as I saw it, I knew what I wanted to do with it, so I picked up two - one for each of my children. When I was going through outgrown children's clothing today, I found both hats and decided I needed to do my project.

First of all, I painted the frame white with acrylic paint. (That was a few months ago!)

Tonight I backed the inside with this "cherish, treasure, adore" paper from Creative Imaginations. I used Glue Dots to adhere everything because the box says it will adhere to wood, paper and textiles. I've heard nothing but good about Glue Dots, so I trust them for a project like this.

Next, I put three Glue Dots on the back of the hat and pressed it down at an angle on the backing. Then I did the same thing with the hospital bracelet. I stood it up to make sure I had enough adhesive and everything wouldn't come falling off the moment I put it on the wall; everything was secure.

I wanted to keep the project simple, so I decided to put my daughter's name and birthdate on the glass instead of trying to add anything else to the inside of the frame. I used Creative Memories bubble gum mini letter stickers for this. I plan to use a dry cloth to clean the glass so it won't harm the stickers.

And there you have it - a priceless reminder of my daughter's first few days of life. Everything but the painting took me about 30 minutes. I plan to hang these on the wall in my craft room once I get my son's done.

