Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm busy organizing!

After nearly a week of creativity, I've been bitten by the organization bug. I finally hit on a solution to our kids' toy clutter, and so I'm making it happen in the next few days. (I'm taking off Sunday, though.)

I got quite a bit done tonight, and I'm excited to see what more I can do tomorrow! I'll post more when I get the chance, and possibly have pictures to show.

On another exciting note, my daughter decided she wants to be a big girl, so she's going on the potty now. We took a special mother-daughter trip today to get her "big girl undies", and it's a good thing we got a 10-pack because I have a load of undies to wash in the morning already! :) It's okay, though. She's learning fast, and I'm glad that she's finally interested.

I've taken the approach with my kids that they'll learn when they want to. My son pretty much trained himself in three days and hasn't even wet the bed since that time. It required little to no effort on my part, but it was extremely effective. I figure my daughter will do pretty much the same thing. She has been taking herself to the potty and everything, which is exactly what I want. The goal is to train her - not me! :)

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

