Saturday, December 13, 2008

Gifts for my Sunday school teens

We just had our Christmas youth gathering tonight, so I thought I'd share pictures of the gifts I gave them.

First of all, we have a small number of youth that come regularly. I had several gifts "in the wings" in case some of our "less-regulars" would show up at the last minute, but I didn't need to use any of them.

At our church, Christmas gifts are the teacher's responsibility. It's not a big deal since most of the teachers just go to the dollar store. We consider that an extra "offering" to the church. But I was blessed to only pay $4 for everything pictured here, including those fabulous baskets:
I love my drug store deals and freebies!

The guys got a personal care item and a creamer-bottle-turned-snowman full of chipotle-flavored cashews that I found for $1 each on clearance at Walgreens. Both of my teen guys are Hispanic, and this was right up their alley!

I put the same thing in both of the girls' baskets. The only thing I paid money for was the body pouf ($0.50 on clearance) and the "baskets" ($0.25 each at thrift stores).

Don't you just love this sleigh-shaped basket?

I've been busy with crafts, organizing my craft room, as well as finishing and wrapping gifts for the relatives we're visiting next week

I can't wait to show you what I made for my mother-in-law! It's absolutely perfect for her, and it only cost me $2. Maybe tomorrow I'll get the pictures edited. :)


simple~needs said...

great ideas!! i am going to keep my eyes open this summer while thrifting for christmasy baskets. :)

Lindy said...

Thank you for sharing your gifts! I just love to visit and see your great ideas!

Could I ask a favor? Sometime could you show how you made your snowmen out of the creamer bottles? If you already have, I must of missed it. That looks like a very neat idea!

Christa said...


The snowmen are really, really simple. First of all, wash them and remove the shrink-wrapped label. Tie a bow around the "neck" for the scarf and use a Sharpie to add "coal" black eyes and buttons. Use an orange Sharpie to add a triangular "carrot" for the nose. When you're done, fill it. If you still need a visual, let me know and I'll see what I can do in the next few weeks.

HTH! :)

Lindy said...

Thank you for explaining the snowmen!

After your post, I got to looking at a bottle of creamer I have and realized it has a wrapping on it that can be peeled off!

I'll be saving my creamer bottles for next Christmas. Thanks again!
