Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas House Tour: Dining Room and Kitchen

Today I'll show you the rest of the decorated portion of the house, with the exception of the banister. We hang our stockings there, but it wasn't decorated when I took the rest of these pictures.

First of all, let's visit the kitchen. I originally had planned to use these little trees for my kids' rooms, but they worked out great as centerpieces, so I kept them. This little tree in particular was a sorry specimen when I bought it at a thrift shop for $0.50. I rearranged the ornaments and replaced the beaded garland with ribbon. Now I like it! Here's a larger picture of the kitchen table:

Here is the stove, all decked out in Christmas "finery":

And here is the counter next to the stove where we keep the Advent calendars. There are two of them sitting there now, but I added the second one after I took this picture.
Now let's move on to the dining room. This tree centerpiece is probably my favorite "new" part this year. It's another thrift store special that I had to rework quite a bit. I wrapped the burlap bottom in a gauzy gift bag, made homemade origami star ornaments, wrapped it with ribbon for garland, and added a metallic paper star on top. I love it!
Here is the mini village that sits on top our rolltop desk. This is my husband's project every year, and he enjoys it thoroughly.
And finally (completely out of order), here is my entryway:
Well, that's about all of the decorating pictures. I'd love to see some of yours!

