Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tomato stakes at just the right time!

My garden is beginning to produce, and I've been needing to buy some tomato cages for awhile now. I'm getting desperate, but I've been told that the tomato cages (Wal-Mart style) are pricey and mostly worthless.

So I decided to look for tomato stakes this week ... but I never got the chance to step inside a hardware store, what with the company and all.

Imagine my surprise tonight when a church member told me he had just made me three stakes for each of my tomato plants! Talk about perfect timing!

He also informed me that it wasn't too late to plant corn, as I had originally feared. (I misplaced my planting schedule and missed my original planting date by over a month.) So hopefully I'll get to plant about four rows of corn next Monday, which happens to be my next available day.

I'm so excited to see recognizable banana peppers on my plants already! And did I mention that three of my tomato plants have nice-sized tomatoes on them? They're still green, but they look beautiful.

Maybe some of those tomatoes will be ready by Monday, too. You never know! What with the kind of weather we've been having the last few days, my plants have been growing almost in front of my eyes. I can't believe how much they've grown overnight when I check them each day!

So God has provided again! This time it's tomato stakes. :)

