Friday, March 28, 2008

Gardening: Day Four

I didn't do anything in the garden today since it was my errand day and I worked in my kitchen, too. However, I did manage to buy the onion sets, which I'm hoping to get into the ground tomorrow.

I thought I'd share a picture of my garden right now. Sorry it's a little fuzzy-looking. I took this picture out my daughter's bedroom window, and there are screens on the windows. It is really the best place to get an overall view of the garden, but that screen distorted things a bit.

I started planting from the rows closest to you and will gradually be working my way toward that little shed. I've been smoothing it out as I go, and I only marked off the rows that I've planted so far. To give you some perspective, it's roughly 15' wide by 30' long. My rows run widthwise.

Here's a closeup to show you what I mean by "marking off" my rows. I used garden staples and cotton crochet thread (which I have in abundance) to rope off the rows. This made it easier to get straight rows!

And here is a picture of my handwritten garden plan, for Sharon who asked if I could post a drawing. Does this help at all? If not, feel free to say so. I'll see if I can think of another way to illustrate it, if need be.

I just created a table in Microsoft Word with the correct number of columns and rows, sized them to roughly squares, and then printed it out. The rest I did by hand. The circled parts are where I noted which dates I would be planting each item.


Sharon said...

Thanks! Believe it or not, that actually really helped. So what would you reccommend for someone just starting out. I am an LA girl at heart and cement has always been my "garden" now living here in the south I actually have a space for a garden. I don't want to spend a bunch of money. I guess you could say I want to dip my toes into the water before I jump in. Probably just 4-5 plants. What are the easiest?
