Monday, October 17, 2011

Homemade Gift: Doll Quilts

I've been wanting to make some doll quilts for a little while now. For one thing, it's a great way to use up small scraps. For another, my daughter has been hinting that she'd like one. It's also a quick project, which is always nice when you've been working on longer ones.

So I pulled out my scraps, sorted them by colors, and came up with these three doll quilts.

My daughter liked this yellow quilt, so I gave it to her as part of her birthday gift.

I love working with blues, and I love how this one turned out.


But, of course, my favorite was the pink one. I've always loved pink, even though I don't wear it as much as I used to.

The backings for these are a great use for a fat quarter.

These little quilts are also a great way to experiment with new quilting patterns. I wanted to see how close, straight-line quilting would look as an overall effect, so that's what I did. You could easily practice meandering or a fancier pattern on these, too.

Have you made any doll quilts? I'd love for you to leave a link to them in the comments! These little things are highly addictive, and I'd love to try some more.

And while you're here, don't forget to enter my giveaway for three cotton hand-crocheted dishcloths.


Kathy, Jeff's Wife said...

Now those are the SWEETEST!!!!

PS. I fixed my LinkyTool, if you want to go back and add yours for this post.

Thank you for taking part in Fiber Arts Monday!

Esther Asbury said...

Cute little quilts! Anything "miniature" is cute to me...these turned out so pretty!

Pamela said...

Adorable! They will make some little mommas happy!
