Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Cousin Camp 2008: Day Two

Day Two was the day we were supposed to go to a local nature preserve and walk the trails for free. It was the only day we had enough vehicles at once to take everyone somewhere. Unfortunately, it decided to rain all day.

My grandmother came to the rescue by offering to pay our way (and all of the kids') if we could come up with an alternate place to go.

We decided on a local coal mine that had been shut down and turned into a museum of sorts. We rode "cars" down into the mine, got out and toured a small portion of the mine on foot, and then rode the cards back up to the surface. It was very interesting, and the kids seemed to enjoy it a lot!

Afterward, we had a picnic lunch under a pavilion while it rained harder than I ever remember in my life. (We got wet even sitting under the pavilion!)

Later on back at the house, we had our treasure hunt indoors. Beginning with the youngest and working to the oldest, each cousin got a clue that told where the next clue could be found. Once the oldest figured out his clue ("where every teenager wants to be" - the driver's seat of my sister's van), they distributed the goody bags (candy and gum) amongst themselves.

They enjoyed the goody bags, even if one of them had just had a root canal and couldn't have any of the candy inside. (We had a hard time convincing her to save hers until later, but reason finally prevailed - once we hid the bag on top the fridge.)

At the end of the day, we enjoyed homemade soft pretzels before turning in for the night.

The day didn't go as planned, but it was still a good day, and we had fun!

