Saturday, May 18, 2019

Review: Artist's Loft vs. Exceed bullet journals

I recently finished an Exceed bullet journal (from Wal-Mart) and had to decide whether I was going to stick with it or go back to an Artist Loft bullet journal (from Michaels). In this process, I wrote out the pros and cons of each. Just in case it helps someone else, I thought I'd share my thoughts in a blog post.

Some people may be wondering why I'm comparing "bottom of the barrel" journals, as some would call these. If you're a paper snob, use fountain pens, or have loads of money to throw around, you may want to consider the $20+ journals out there. I go through a journal about every 4-5 months and don't have a large disposable income. I appreciate decent quality in a price range that works for my budget. My theory is, "Why spend $20+ when a $5-7 notebook will work just fine?"

Both of these journals have stood up to daily heavy use - including being shoved into my full purse with keys banging against them. They both also lie flat while open, which is a must-have for me. While I'm at home (which is most of the time), I keep my bullet journal open to the day's entry so I can be reminded of what I'm supposed to be doing.

With that said, let's get on to the reviews.

Artist's Loft dot grid notebook in pale pink


This was the first bound book that I ever used for a bullet journal, so I'll start with it.

  • bright white paper (see the difference in the following photo)

Exceed notebook (left) vs. Artist's Loft notebook (right)
  • wider pages
  • smoother paper
  • can now be purchased with a coupon for around $4.20, instead of $5 [Hey, a penny saved is a penny earned!]
  • thinner paper
  • Marvy markers tend to bleed [I got a great deal on a pack of these, so this might matter.]
  • plain white border at top and bottom
  • need a blotting sheet with my preferred gel pen (Uni-Ball Signo 207), since it takes awhile to dry on this paper 

Exceed dot grid notebook in yellow


This is the book I just finished up. It was my first time to use this brand, and I picked it because they had it in yellow - the one color Artist's Loft doesn't carry but I absolutely love.

  • thicker paper
  • can use most markers without bleeding
  • dots go to the edge of the page (i.e. no borders)
  • ink dries fast
  • cream paper
  • narrower pages (see the size difference in the following photo)
Artist's Loft notebook (bottom) vs. Exceed notebook (top) for paper size
  • rougher paper (hard on markers) 
  • pages too narrow for my preferred sleep tracker layout
Please note that I customized both of these journals with vinyl cutouts, using my Silhouette Cameo. They come with plain covers.

Ultimately, I decided to go with Artist's Loft again. Right after I purchased it, Exceed came out with some new colors - including plain white. Sigh. I may try another Exceed notebook when I'm through with this one. I really love plain white.

Keep in mind, these are just my opinions. You may feel differently about features (considering one of my "cons" as a "pro" for you), and that's okay. That's the beauty of a bullet journal - you create your perfect planner.

Have you tried either of these notebooks? Do you have a personal preference for one over the other?

