Monday, January 13, 2014

Homemade Gift: Primitive Ironing Board Cover

A friend of mine decorates her house mostly in primitive decor. So when she mentioned that someday she'd love a pretty ironing board cover, I knew exactly what style I wanted to do it in.

I just so happened to have time in December to make her one for Christmas, and it wasn't nearly as difficult as I feared it would be. In fact, it was downright easy!

I followed this tutorial and then stitched the decorative fabrics on top at the appropriate spots. My main fabric is a durable brown canvas material. The decorative star fabric is "homespun" (a rustic woven fabric), and the red fabric is quilting cotton. I got them all at Hobby Lobby, my favorite store.

One thing I did to save money (and avoid having two yards of half-width canvas fabric on hand) is to simply buy one yard of my main fabric, cut it down the middle, and then seam it. I placed one of the decorative fabric pieces over the seam to cover it. No one will ever know just by looking that I made it for half the price.


Esther Asbury said...

I absolutely LOVE the primitive look! It matches perfectly!!
