Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Triple T Socks for Operation Christmas Child

I got this fun sock yarn (Yarn Bee Walk Away in the Tango colorway) at Hobby Lobby awhile back and decided to make some fun, bright socks for the Operation Christmas Child boxes.

I used a free pattern: Triple T Socks by Kristi Schueler, and I really like how they came out. They are constructed toe-up. The pattern has instructions for all sizes, and it has a few design options. I chose to do this pair in the 3x1 rib style and child size 13. I was able to get both socks from one 50-gram ball of yarn.

This is also the first time I tried a Turkish cast-on (which I think I like) and the sewn bind-off (which I know I like). This was the easiest set of instructions I’ve found yet for the sewn bind-off.


Esther Asbury said...

What pretty colorful socks! You do amazing work!!

JaganshiKenshin said...

Oooo...these are pretty too!
