Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Stuffed Lamb Toy for Operation Christmas Child

In the US, we are able to make toys for the Operation Christmas Child boxes (not so in the UK). As a result, I searched for some cute, small and free patterns to make some toys that are much nicer than I could buy at the store. The bonus is that most of the patterns I found can be made with scrap yarn, so it was also much cheaper than buying a storebought stuffed animal.

This is the first little lamb for the boxes.

Because of the way he's designed, you add a small bouncy ball near his back end to keep him from nose-diving all the time. It worked quite well!

I think I added the head a bit too far down. Next time I'll have to move it up closer to the shoulders so he doesn't look like a hunchback.

However, he did turn out cute and will make some child quite happy, I'm sure! He's also a perfect size for the boxes.

This pattern was a bit more fiddly than I would have preferred, only because of trying to sew on those little legs while the stuffing kept trying to escape. Other than that, it's pretty quick and easy.

You can find the free pattern on Ravelry: ASE's Little Lamb (Knit Version). There is also a crochet version available, but I don't think it's as cute. :)

