Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Birthday countdown "calendar"

I mentioned yesterday that my son wanted to know, "How many days is it until my birthday?" Good thing there are less than 30 days between the kids' birthdays! :)

I had just picked up these space shuttle decorations from Dollar Tree ($2 cost for everything pictured here), so I made him a countdown "calendar" for his bedroom wall:

Every morning he gets to take down one space shuttle. The day he pulls down the last space shuttle will be his birthday.

Added bonus: I'm going to use these decorations in our school room later in the year, so I didn't pay any extra for this visual. Double bonus: I don't have to explain every single day that tomorrow is not his birthday. :)

I must admit this looks a little out of place in his John Deere bedroom. You know, John Deere meets the space age and all ... But he loves it, and that's what's important.

