Thursday, June 30, 2016

Pineapple Lace Crochet Doily #1

It's been about 20 years since I've done thread crochet. I recently bought a ball to make some small doilies for the church platform where we currently pastor. I had TONS of it leftover, so I decided to make some pineapple doilies with the remainder.

My all-time favorite lace crochet design is the pineapple. I had forgotten just how much I like it!

This one has taken up residence in our travel trailer.

P.S. I think I may have finally figured out a way to post here from my phone. Hopefully this will allow me to post on a regular basis again.

posted from Bloggeroid


Nicki said...

My grandmother crocheted a lot and when I cleaned out her house, I found a very old book that had the pineapple pattern in it. There is a beautiful bed spread that I'd love to make, but I'm afraid I'm not that ambitions. I did make a doily like this one. The first attempt had too many stitches and the first pineapples looked like it was a bunny with ears. Finally got it figured out and was very happy with how it turned out.

Esther Asbury said...

I've made a few doilies - some big and some small! I love using them them in decorating as they add such a homey touch!
