Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Knitting: Fiver Cabled Sweater, day 5 + a little detour

Today I knit some on the sweater, but I took a little detour and crocheted a ruffle scarf for a friend who had asked me to make her one.

I find that these are more ruffly when I crochet them instead of knitting them.

I finished the cabling part of the first sleeve and decreased for the cuff by knitting 2 stitches together at the beginning of each knit-4 cable section. Then I did 1x1 ribbing for 2", beginning and ending each round with a knit stitch.

For the cuffs, I also tried to do a stretchy bind-off, but it distorted it again. So I went back to the basic bind-off. Since I'm not usually a fan of 1x1 ribbing, I don't do it often. (I usually do 2x2.) This may be a unique quality of 1x1 ribbing.

I was able to finish the first sleeve today.


Esther Asbury said...

Lovely scarf and great progress on the sweater!
