Monday, April 28, 2014

EASY Doll Easter Candy and Cookies

If you're terrified of working with oven-bake clay but like cute treats for your dolls, this project is for you! I'm always on the lookout for doll projects that my kids can make for art class, since we homeschool. These were perfect!

I know we're a little late for this year, but this same idea can be applied to almost any season, given the right materials. So ... what's the secret "ingredient" that makes all of these so easy? Extra-thick foam stickers.

I got these egg- and bunny-shaped extra-thick foam stickers at Dollar Tree this year with this project in mind. There were enough stickers to make three sets like this, and extra smaller and larger stickers leftover. Not bad for $1!

These bunny shapes were the hardest to cut around neatly. I mounted the foam stickers onto a thinner sheet of white foam and then cut around them, leaving a small margin (maybe 1/8"). If I had cream-colored thinner foam on hand, I would have used it, since I was going for a sugar cookie look. But white works just fine when you want to use what you have. Then we used dimensional fabric paint to add the details.

As you can see, these are the perfect size for the dolls. (This is a Springfield doll's hand, in case you're wondering.)

And here is our version of Peeps candy (more like their rabbit version). These were the smallest bunny shapes in the sticker package, and I immediately thought of this. I just stacked two of the stickers back-to-back, and they really resemble Peeps candy.

See? They're about 1/3" thick. I was very fortunate that these bunny stickers are almost perfectly symmetrical, so I could put them back-to-back like I did.

I'm going to be keeping my eye out at Dollar Tree as the seasons change. They seem to be carrying these foam stickers with each new season lately.


Anonymous said...

That's a great idea! Those are so cute!

Esther Asbury said...

What a creative use for those stickers!
