Monday, February 10, 2014

A Skateboard for Alex!

We're not into the traditional skateboarding scene, but my son does have one and enjoys riding it around our church parking lot. (In case you don't remember, we're the pastor's family and live right next to the church.)

As a result, I knew he would love to have a skateboard for Alex. A few months ago, we found one for bears that had elastic straps to keep their feet on, but it wasn't really the right size for Alex. (We actually had Paige along for another reason, and she tried it out for us.) His feet wouldn't have stayed in the elastic straps, although it was an ingenious idea.

A few weeks ago, we were at a thrift store and found this perfectly-sized skateboard for $0.50. I don't care for the "Rude Boyz Skate" emblazoned across the top because I don't want my son to think it's cool to be rude, but we're just pretending it's a brand name right now. If I can think of a way to tastefully cover that up, I will. If not, I guess we can live with it. It's not like it's vulgar or has skulls all over it. :)

The wheels actually work, and Alex can stand on it all by himself. My son is thrilled!

