Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dollar Store Doll Games

If you remember from previous years, we do a countdown to Christmas with our kids each year. It helps to lend a little excitement to each day, I don't have to keep telling them how many days there are until Christmas, and we don't get bombarded with requests for early Christmas gifts. This year, I focused on doll-related items that would have gone into some of the bigger Christmas gifts anyway (like the DIY Campus Snack Cart that I made this summer and still haven't taken pictures of).

This year, we were on vacation for the first week, so we didn't do any little daily gifts until this week.

I set up a corner of my daughter's play area as the doll's Christmas tree area. (I didn't think to take pictures, but I'll try to remember to do that for another post.) I added some lights and garland to the pine tree that has been outside the dolls' cabin since summertime, and it makes the perfect little doll tree. We put a small wooden bench next to it so they'd have a place to sit and sip hot chocolate. I pulled the fireplace into the area and pushed three small pins into the top to hold stockings for each of the dolls - Paige, Alex and Kit. (Kit doesn't get daily gifts since she's my doll, but she's okay with that. Most of Paige and Alex's gifts are marked from her anyway.)

Each day, my plan is to put the small countdown gifts into the dolls' stockings. This day's gifts didn't fit, so I put them in doll-sized gift bags.

My daughter has asked several times for the Fun & Games Table from American Girl, so I found a few doll-sized games at Dollar Tree that my kids can actually play with the dolls. This first one is a set of dominoes.

See? They're the perfect size for the dolls! They're just the regular domino set that is sold year-round in Dollar Tree. I didn't realize how small they were until one time I saw a package that had been ripped open in the store. Since my kids love to play dominoes, I was thrilled to find these.

The cardboard packaging isn't made to store them in, so I pulled out a gift card tin I had lying around, and it perfectly fits the set when it's stacked inside. (Sorry, I didn't think to take a picture of this, either.)

The other game is an off-brand of Connect 4, sold as a travel-sized game at Dollar Tree. It's also perfectly doll-sized, and it's another of my kids' favorite games.

They really liked these!


Esther Asbury said...

Looks like the dolls are enjoying their games! :)
