Friday, June 7, 2013

Camp Doll Diaries 2013: Some Cabin Upgrades

Our cabin got a few decorations over the last few days, and I thought I'd share them with you.

At the top left is our camp Welcome Banner (courtesy of Doll Diaries).

At the top right are three mini paper "lanterns" (without lights inside) that I picked up in the $1.50 section of Michaels. They're with the circus-themed things and are on clearance at the moment, so I got two in a pack for $0.50. I read about them on another doll blog, but I can't find the post again to know who to credit.

I made the fireplace using the excellent video tutorial from MyFroggyStuff. I used a small cereal box for mine (about the size of a cracker box), and it turned out a bit small. It's still cute and will definitely get used, but I would use a larger box next time to be scaled to 18" dolls. I still have to add the twigs to the fireplace, but the kids like it anyway.

On top of the mantle is the homemade camping lantern that I found a picture of on Pinterest. I have no idea who to credit here, either, because the pin didn't lead me to a website - just a picture. If you know who this originated with, please let me know so I can properly credit them.

I tweaked the lantern just a bit for what I had on hand: a battery-operated tealight, a small medicine measuring cup, and a milk jug lid instead of the pill container lid. It's still very realistic-looking, and I didn't have to paint a thing. The only problem I had with making the lantern is that the bottom of the medicine measuring cup was extremely difficult to remove. I'm just thankful I still have all my fingers. This is definitely not a child's craft.

We have enjoyed a campfire every night, followed by a long time sitting by the light of the fireplace and lantern.

Speaking of the campfire, we added two more things to that "scene":

First of all, I finished covering the outside of the cabin. Since we're using the firepit outside the cabin, it made sense for us to make the outside look just as realistic.

I added a bulletin board trimmer of grass along the bottom for a neat effect.

Then let me draw your attention to those string lights. Aren't they neat? They look just like miniature patio lights that some people string up. I couldn't pass them up at Dollar Tree the other day. I chose the multi-colored flower lights, but there were also blue butterflies, white dragonflies, and green leaves. There are ten mini LED lights on a string, and they are absolutely perfect for doll-sized projects.

The lights brightened up our campfire quiet nicely! (This picture was taken without flash, to give you an idea of how bright they are.)

With all of these decorations, I found an added bonus of making this cabin out of foamcore board: I am able to push small pins into the foam part of the very top to attach things like these string lights (being careful not to push through the actual cord, just between the cords where it's twisted), the paper lanterns, and the welcome sign.

I hope you've enjoyed a peek into our doll camp this week!


Esther Asbury said...

If I didn't know better I'd think you were having as much fun as the kids! :) Maybe you are! Cute cabin accessories -- I'm sure your kids are enjoying all the fun stuff you've made them! Love how you are doing it all without breaking the bank! Can't wait to see it in real life!
