Friday, March 1, 2013

Jean Skirt from Jeans

I'm sure you've seen this concept before. It's been around for a few years now. However, I just got a serger (more on that in a minute), and I finally feel up to the task of giving it a whirl. My daughter has been patiently waiting for me to make this skirt for her since last summer. It's a good thing she hasn't grown much in the waist!

In case you haven't noticed, my daughter and I only wear skirts. And you've probably noticed that skirts are hard to come by, especially if they aren't skin-tight, they go past your knees and don't include slits up to your thighs. Modest jean skirts are even harder to find, so I make it a point to look for them at every thrift store we visit. I've had more success finding them in my size than in my daughter's size, so I turned to this idea for my daughter.

Since she's so thin, I was able to buy a 5T pair of pants that had gorgeous embroidery work at the hem. The waist still has room, so she can fit it for awhile. And the skirt is a little on the long side, but she loves it and doesn't trip over it, and I didn't have to cut into that beautiful embroidery, so we're both happy.

The fill-in piece is from one of my favorite sheet prints. I buy this particular print every time I see it in the thrift stores. It coordinated nicely with the embroidery, and my daughter liked it even better than a denim fill-in.

You may or may not notice, but I did change this a little bit from how people usually make these. There is usually this huge section in the front and back that curves over. It's the crotch seam. Well, I'd rather not draw attention to that part of my body, and it looks like a duck tail to me [another thing I'd rather not associate with my body :) ], so I folded and cut until it created a fairly straight seam down to the fill-in part. I like it much, much better this way.

So, on to the serger ... I don't have pictures yet, but my parents found me a serger at an auction for an unbelievable $6!! Of course, I gave them more than that for it and still came out way ahead of the game. It's a White Superlock 534, a model that was out in the late 80's/early 90's. From the reviews I've read, it's a great basic workhorse that will last and last. I can't begin to tell you how happy I am to finally have a serger. I've wanted one since I started sewing (back in 1994), but I could never justify the expense. God is good!


jemilyea said...

You will enjoy that fantastically-priced serger! I have had my mom's on long-term loan for quite a few years now.

Esther Asbury said...

What a cute makeover for those jeans!
