Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Homeschool Room Decorating

I meant to share these decorations much earlier in the year, but I suppose late is better than never.

We started a chronological study of history this year, beginning at Creation. It will take us several years, but it's my preferred way of studying history. I learned history piecemeal and can't really tell you where major events fit into history (except the obvious ones, like the Civil War being fought before WWII). I'm pleased to finally be learning this, along with my kids.

At any rate, we started out the schoolyear with this bulletin board. The visual started out as an environmental awareness poster from Dollar Tree. Here it is beforehand:

I simply cut around the hands and earth to eliminate the environmental message. To me, it looked like the earth in God's hands. I realize He simply spoke it into existence, but humor me. It's a really nice effect. :)

I have two huge bulletin boards in my homeschool room, so I split them up to be used more effectively. This is my "good work" board that shares the same board as the previous one. It was a Dollar Tree bulletin board kit.

I used some wrapping paper (Hobby Lobby's - love that stuff!) for the backgrounds. I'll be stocking up for school after Christmas from now on!

Here is more Hobby Lobby wrapping paper backgrounds coupled with Dollar Tree luau decorations. This was to illustrate Day 5 of Creation.

I tried to liven up the room a bit more this year by using bright colors. This has worked wonderfully. With drab white walls, things can get boring. So I just created a calendar center on the wall. I've been switching out the motivational posters and banners, along with the appropriate month's calendar.

Lastly, I had intended to let my kids dress these bears for each season. However, it's now spring and they're still in these clothes ... and have been through autumn and winter. Oh well, my kids have enjoyed looking at them!

I hope you've enjoyed a little peek into our homeschooling!


Esther Asbury said...

What a GREAT idea -- to use wrapping paper as the backgrounds! I'll be tucking that tip away in my memory for future use!!
Looks like a colorful and interesting room -- you always do a great job at making learning look fun!
