Monday, May 11, 2009

A happy Mother's Day!

We had a busy weekend with a church work day on Saturday and then all the extra responsibilities for making Mother's Day special at our own home as well as church. We survived and actually had a good day!

Check out my little darlings and how big they're getting (I'm kneeling, in case you're wondering): I wish now I had taken a better picture of my dress. It was fabulous! And I certainly couldn't complain about the price tag: $4 at a local thrift shop. My daughter's dress is the $1.25 dress from our thrift store foray into Virginia Beach. My son wore clothes he's worn before, simply because he has lots of dress clothes and who really notices what the boys wear? ;) Seriously, if he had asked for something new, I would have gotten it. But he was fine with this, and it was lots easier.

My husband took the pictures for me. I thought he did a pretty good job. I only get pictures of me with my kids once a year (on Mother's Day), so I like to make a point to get them taken!
I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day with lots of pampering like I did!

