Friday, May 2, 2014

Doll's Easter Egg Coloring Set

Darren and Kit hit it off right away!

In the last post, I showed you a glimpse of the Easter egg coloring set I made for my kids for Easter. Well, here are some close-ups.

But before we go any further, please note that this was not my original idea. I used Brandy's idea (from Doll Diaries) with only a few minor tweaks. Hers is much more detailed and includes a chocolate-dipping set like American Girl came out with for Kit this year. I used that idea for the doll's "chocolate" lambs, but I didn't make the playset because, to be honest, I don't think I've ever dipped/molded chocolates with my kids. It's an awesome idea, but I don't think my own kids would get as much enjoyment out of it.

Changes I made from Brandy's idea:
  • I just used the bubble gum eggs that came in the package. They're colored and won't melt, so I didn't see the need to buy other eggs.
  • I chose to use a pill organizer from Dollar Tree for the "dipping cups", since they were already colored the right shades. (There are 7 different shades that screw together on this particular pill organizer.) I also didn't add any of the acrylic water to these dipping cups. The cups themselves are colored, and that gives the illusion of them being full of dyed water.
  • I also used just three of the nail art bottles from Dollar Tree for my "food coloring". I only made the three primary colors, since most food coloring only comes with the primary colors anyway.
  • I used clear plastic cocktail spoons instead of the usual egg dippers. My own family occasionally used regular spoons instead of the dippers, and I really didn't want to cut myself on the wire.

My cost: $3 (with extra eggs and egg cartons, pill organizer components, and nail art bottles)
AG's version: $32

Granted, mine didn't include the fancy little extras that AG's version has, but my kids aren't used to decorating eggs with glitter, stickers, and such anyway. This was a great way to save money and customize the playset to how our family usually celebrates. BONUS: Our eggs come out of the carton. (AG's don't.) :)


Down Blueberry Lane said...

Fun fun fun!! I love seeing all the things your come up with for these dolls. Making/using tiny objects is intriguing, especially when you make it look like the real deal (large version).

Esther Asbury said...

Adorable! I love seeing your mini versions of the real thing!
