Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Organizing & Redecorating: What has been keeping me busy

My blog has been silent almost all month, but I've been getting a lot accomplished around my house. That's definitely a good thing, even though I don't always think to take pictures to share with you.

The most recent house project has been organizing and redecorating my daughter's room. Things had gotten completely out of hand in her room to the point that there was no way she could keep it clean. It had to be organized and  purged.

It took us an entire week to purge the toys she doesn't play with, doesn't want anymore, or just doesn't have room to store. I was surprised at how willing she was to part with some of her collections - you know, the "junk" collections all kids accumulate. I'm sure a lot of the motivation was a redecorated room.

At any rate, I'm finally done with the purging and organizing. The organizing itself taxed my organizational skills to the limit.

Now comes the fun part - redecorating!

You've probably guessed that I don't plan to throw thousands - or even hundreds - of dollars into redecorating. You might have also guessed that my daughter's room isn't huge, either. It's plenty big for a little girl, but it's nowhere near as big as the decorating magazines - and a lot of blogs - showcase. So you'll get to see some real-life, truly budget-friendly, realistic changes that can be made to a room when the bed takes up about a third of your floor space. Then stay tuned for my son's room - his bed takes up nearly half of his floor space! :)

I'll have to take some pictures next week because we're in revival this week and that means I'm entertaining the evangelist and his wife all week. (You probably won't hear from me again this week.)

But I thought I'd share a great idea I came across on Pinterest, in case you're in the mood to redecorate your kids' rooms.

This idea comes from Gluesticks - a bed canopy made from PVC pipe! She made hers for a toddler bed, but we're almost done with my daughter's, and hers is a twin bed. I'll try to remember to write all the details down and share it with you when I'm finished.

I think every girl has dreamed of a canopy bed at one point or another, and this is the least expensive way that I can think of to make it happen.

If you decide to try one yourself, make sure you check out this article about how to stain PVC pipe to look like wood. It's pure genius! And let me know how it turns out for you if you try it. We decided to go a different route.


Rhonda said...

Thanks. I don't want to make a canopy but I really like the storage bag tied to the foot of the bed

Esther Asbury said...

Looking forward to your pics!
